Push Back Pallet Racking (LIFO)

Push Back Pallet Racking (LIFO)

Push back pallet racking is a dynamic pallet storage system designed to maximize space utilization and facilitate high-density storage. It allows for multiple pallets to be stored on a slightly inclined rail system, which enables the rear pallets to automatically move forward as the front pallets are retrieved

Key features and workings of push back pallet racking include:

Gravity Flow System: Push back racking utilizes a gravity flow system, where pallets are loaded from the front of the system onto inclined rails or roller tracks. The inclination allows the pallets to flow gently towards the front of the rack when a pallet is removed.

LIFO Storage: Push back racking typically operates on a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) basis. The last pallet loaded onto the system is the first one to be retrieved. This makes it suitable for storing products where strict rotation is not required.

Nested Carts or Carriages: Each level of the push back racking system contains nested carts or carriages, which are mounted on inclined rails. These carts are designed to support and hold the pallets. When a pallet is loaded onto the system, it pushes the preceding pallets further back.

Pallet Retrieval: When a pallet is unloaded from the front of the system, the inclined rails and carts allow the remaining pallets to roll forward automatically. This allows easy access to the next available pallet without the need for additional forklift movements or manual handling.

Space Efficiency: Push back racking maximizes storage density by utilizing the depth of the racking system. It enables multiple pallets to be stored in a single lane, reducing the number of aisles required and increasing overall storage capacity.

Flexibility and Versatility: Push back racking is compatible with various pallet sizes and weights, making it suitable for a wide range of products. The system can be adjusted to accommodate different load capacities and depths as per the storage requirements.

Safety Considerations: Proper loading and unloading techniques are essential for the safe operation of push back racking. Operators must ensure that pallets are loaded evenly and centered on the carts to maintain system stability and prevent pallets from becoming misaligned.

Push back pallet racking offers advantages in terms of storage density, efficiency, and ease of use. It is commonly used in warehouses or distribution centers with high storage requirements, especially for bulk storage of homogeneous products. The system streamlines the loading and unloading process, reducing handling time and improving inventory accessibility. However, it's important to consider the specific requirements of the products being stored and consult with storage system experts for proper design, installation, and operational considerations.

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