Pallet Flow Racking (FIFO/GRAVITY)

Pallet Flow Racking (FIFO/GRAVITY)

Pallet flow racking, also known as gravity flow racking or dynamic pallet racking, is a storage system that utilizes inclined roller tracks or wheel beds to allow for efficient movement of pallets within the racking structure. It is designed to maximize storage density while enabling easy access to stored pallets

Here are the key features and workings of pallet flow racking:

Gravity Flow System: Pallet flow racking operates on a gravity flow principle. The inclined roller tracks or wheel beds are set at a slight decline from the loading end to the unloading end of the system. When a pallet is loaded at the higher end, it moves under the force of gravity along the rollers or wheels towards the lower end.

FIFO Storage: Pallet flow racking is typically configured for First-In, First-Out (FIFO) storage, ensuring that the oldest pallets are retrieved first. This is particularly beneficial for products with expiration dates or those requiring strict product rotation.

Roller Tracks or Wheel Beds: The inclined tracks or beds within the racking system feature individual rollers or wheels that allow the pallets to glide smoothly as they move forward. The rollers or wheels reduce friction and enable controlled movement of the pallets

Dynamic Lane Flow: Pallet flow racking is typically organized into multiple dynamic lanes within each storage level. Each lane can hold multiple pallets, allowing for efficient storage of multiple SKUs or batches. When a pallet is removed from the unloading end, the following pallets move forward, making space for the next pallet to be unloaded.

Speed Controllers and Brake Systems: To ensure controlled movement and prevent pallets from moving too quickly within the system, speed controllers and brake systems are often integrated. These devices help regulate the speed of pallet movement, maintain separation between pallets, and prevent collisions.

Versatility and Load Capacity: Pallet flow racking can accommodate various pallet sizes, weights, and configurations. It is suitable for both full pallet loads and case picking operations. The system can be customized to handle different load capacities and adapt to specific operational requirements.

Safety Considerations: Safety features such as flow brakes, lane dividers, and safety stops are essential components of pallet flow racking systems. These measures help ensure stable and controlled pallet movement, prevent accidents, and maintain the integrity of the system

Pallet flow racking offers advantages in terms of space optimization, product accessibility, and inventory rotation. It is commonly used in operations where high storage density, FIFO inventory management, and efficient order picking are essential. The system can be integrated with other pallet racking systems, such as selective racking, to create a comprehensive storage solution. Proper design, installation, and regular maintenance are crucial for the safe and efficient operation of pallet flow racking.

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